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Showing posts from 2018

Mandelbug - bug, who didn't want to be found

Returning from holiday recently, I was expecting a calm day of catching up and doing some basic tasks. The opposite was true, this day I was introduced to a situation which puzzled us for two weeks. Situation We have been reported that Android sometimes get the wrong reply to a particular GET requests. Ok, let us investigate, I got this, will be quick... Reproducibility The bug is up till now non-deterministic to us. We were firstly not able to find the determining factor, it just occasionally occurred, persisted for some minutes (maybe up to half an hour) and then disappeared without a trace. This made the investigation and also any communication much harder. This happened for both iOS and Android apps. We got ourselves here a Mandelbug: A bug whose underlying causes are so complex and obscure as to make its behavior appear chaotic or even non-deterministic First hypothesis We have decided to focus only on the android part. A debugging proxy was attached shortly for c...

Cynefin beginnings

Cynefin was on my radar ever since I joined The House . It seemed an interesting idea worthy of further pursuit, therefore I decided to visit a training on this topic in London this April. Cynefin - my amazing drawing My first thought was  "What I'm doing here?!" - the other attendees were a mix of scrum masters, project managers and similar sort, which was actually to be expected. Cynefin is a decision-making framework which seems to be applicable mainly in management, but my firm belief is that testing can benefit from it equally. My goal was, however, to find out more about Cynefin and how to apply it to my work as a software tester. I expect it will take some time to my thoughts on this fully settle and I get the whole picture from this training. My colleagues got already some very good insights from cynefin, my goal is to follow this path. The purpose of this blog is to summarize my thoughts on this so I can revisit later in my life and maybe see how much...